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Question Number 137518 by Lordose last updated on 03/Apr/21
Ω = ∫_0 ^( ∞) ((u^2 +2)/(u^4 +2u^2 +2))du
Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 03/Apr/21
Φ =∫_0 ^∞  ((x^2  +2)/(x^4  +2x^2  +2))dx ⇒Φ =(1/2)∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ((x^2  +2)/(x^4  +2x^2  +2))dx let  ϕ(z)=((z^2  +2)/(z^4  +2z^2  +2))  poles of ϕ?  z^4 +2z^2  +2=0 ⇒t^2  +2t+2=0 (t=x^2 )  Δ^′  =1−2=−1 ⇒t_1 =−1+i  and t_2 =−1−i  t_1 =(√2)(−(1/( (√2)))+(i/( (√2)))) =(√2)e^((i3π)/4)   and t_2 =(√2)e^(−((i3π)/4))   ⇒ϕ(z)=((z^2  +2)/((z^2 −(√2)e^((i3π)/4) )(z^2 −(√2)e^(−((i3π)/4)) )))  let  α =(√(√2)) ⇒  ϕ(z)=((z^2 +2)/((z−αe^((i3π)/8) )(z+α e^((i3π)/8) )(z−αe^(−((i3π)/8)) )(z+α e^(−i((3π)/8)) )))  ⇒∫_R ϕ(z)dz =2iπ{ Res(ϕ,αe^((i3π)/8) ) +Res(ϕ,−αe^(−((i3π)/8)) )}  Res(ϕ,αe^((i3π)/8) ) =((α^2  e^((i3π)/4)  +2)/(2αe^((i3π)/8)   (√2)(2isin(((3π)/4)))))  =((α^2  e^((i3π)/4)  +2)/(4iα)) e^(−((i3π)/8))   Res(ϕ ,−α e^(−((i3π)/8)) ) =((α^2  e^(−((3πi)/4))  +2)/(−2α e^(−((i3π)/8))  (−(√2))(2isin(((3π)/4))))  =((α^2  e^(−i((3π)/4))  +2)/(4iα)) e^((i3π)/8)  ⇒  ∫_R   ϕ(z)dz =2iπ{((α^2  e^((i3π)/4)  +2)/(4iα))e^(−((i3π)/8))  +((α^2  e^(−((i3π)/4))  +2)/(4iα)) e^((i3π)/8) }  =(π/(2α)){  α^2  e^((i3π)/8)  +2e^(−((i3π)/8))    +α^2  e^(−((i3π)/8))  +2e^((i3π)/8) }  =(π/(2α)){2α^2  cos(((3π)/8)) +4cos(((3π)/8))}  =(π/(2α))(2α^2  +4)cos(((3π)/8)) =(π/α)(α^2 +2)cos(((3π)/8))  =(π/( (√(√2))))((√2)+2)cos(((3π)/8)) =2Φ  cos(((3π)/8))=cos((π/8)+(π/4))=cos((π/8))cos((π/4))−sin((π/8))sin((π/4))  =((√(2+(√2)))/2)×(1/( (√2))) −((√(2−(√2)))/2)×(1/( (√2)))  and Φ =(π/(2(√(√2))))(2+(√2))cos(((3π)/8))

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