Question Number 6723 by Tawakalitu. last updated on 16/Jul/16
![An MTN mask is erected at a point P in ilaro town. At a point B due west, The angle of elevation of its top is β and at point C due south, the angle of elevation is α. With the aid of an appropriate diagam. show that the angle of elevation of the top from a point due south of B and due west of C is cot^(−1) [cot^2 (β) + cot^2 (α)]^(1/2)](
$${An}\:{MTN}\:{mask}\:{is}\:{erected}\:{at}\:{a}\:{point}\:{P}\:\:{in}\:{ilaro}\:{town}.\:{At}\:{a}\:{point} \\ $$$${B}\:{due}\:{west},\:{The}\:{angle}\:{of}\:{elevation}\:{of}\:{its}\:{top}\:{is}\:\beta\:{and}\:{at}\:{point}\: \\ $$$${C}\:{due}\:{south},\:{the}\:{angle}\:{of}\:{elevation}\:{is}\:\alpha.\:{With}\:{the}\:{aid}\:{of}\:{an}\: \\ $$$${appropriate}\:{diagam}.\:{show}\:{that}\:{the}\:{angle}\:{of}\:{elevation}\:{of}\:{the}\:{top} \\ $$$${from}\:{a}\:{point}\:{due}\:{south}\:{of}\:{B}\:{and}\:{due}\:{west}\:{of}\:{C}\:{is}\: \\ $$$$ \\ $$$${cot}^{−\mathrm{1}} \left[{cot}^{\mathrm{2}} \left(\beta\right)\:+\:{cot}^{\mathrm{2}} \left(\alpha\right)\right]^{\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{2}}} \\ $$
Commented by Tawakalitu. last updated on 16/Jul/16

$${please}\:{help} \\ $$