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Question Number 2720 by prakash jain last updated on 25/Nov/15
Analytical Continuation  Sum of the below divergent series was  shown to be using analytical continuation.  Σ_(i=1) ^n 2^(i−1) =−1      ...(A)  ζ(−1)=Σ_(i=0) ^∞ i=−(1/(12))      ...(B)  While reading about analytical continuation,  I found the found the following:  If f_1  is a analytic function over domain D_1  and  If f_2  is a analytic function over domain D_2  and  f_1 =f_2  on D_1 ∩D_2 , f_2  is called analytical   continuation of f_1  and vice versa.  Question:  In case of series (A) and (B) above what function  is used as f_2  to find the sum also what is used as f_1 ?ζ(1)=i=0i=112(B)Whilereadingaboutanalyticalcontinuation,Ifoundthefoundthefollowing:Iff1isaanalyticfunctionoverdomainD1andIff2isaanalyticfunctionoverdomainD2andf1=f2onD1D2,f2iscalledanalyticalcontinuationoff1andviceversa.Question:Incaseofseries(A)and(B)abovewhatfunctionisusedasf2tofindthesumalsowhatisusedasf1?
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 25/Nov/15
There is also a question below by Filup about  definition of ζ(s) for s<1 using analytical  continuity.
Answered by 123456 last updated on 26/Nov/15
for A  f_1 (x)=Σ_(i=0) ^(+∞) x^i   f_2 (x)=(1/(1−x))  f_1 (x)=lim_(n→+∞) Σ_(i=0) ^n x^i =lim_(n→+∞) ((x^(n+1) −1)/(x−1))  ∣x∣<1⇒x^(n+1) →0⇒f_1 (x)=((0−1)/(x−1))=(1/(1−x))  f_1 (x)=f_2 (x) ∣x∣<1, so f_2 (x)=(1/(1−x)) is a analytic continuation
Commented by 123456 last updated on 26/Nov/15
S=Σ_(i=0) ^n x^i   xS=xΣ_(i=0) ^n x^i =Σ_(i=0) ^n x^(i+1) =Σ_(i=1) ^(n+1) x^i   (x−1)S=Σ_(i=1) ^(n+1) x^i −Σ_(i=0) ^n x^i   (x−1)S=x^(n+1) −1  S=((x^(n+1) −1)/(x−1))
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 26/Nov/15
Thank You.

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