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Question Number 68241 by mathmax by abdo last updated on 07/Sep/19
calculate ∫∫_w    (x^2 −2y^2 )(√(x^2 +3y^2 ))dxdy  with w ={(x,y)∈R^2 / 0≤x≤1  and 1≤y≤2}
Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Sep/19
we use the diffeomorphism  (r,θ)→ϕ(r,θ)=(x,y)=(rcosθ,(r/( (√3)))sinθ)  =(ϕ_1 ,ϕ_2 )  we have  0≤x^2  ≤1  and 1≤y^2 ≤4 ⇒3≤3y^2  ≤12 ⇒  3≤x^2  +3y^2 ≤13 ⇒(√3)≤(√(x^2  +3y^2 ))≤(√(13)) ⇒(√3)≤r≤(√(13))  M_j (ϕ) = ((((∂ϕ_1 /∂r)              (∂ϕ_1 /∂θ))),(((∂ϕ_2 /∂r)                 (∂ϕ_2 /∂θ)      )) )  = (((cosθ                −rsinθ)),(((1/( (√3)))sinθ               (r/( (√3)))cosθ)) )      ⇒det(M_j (ϕ))=(r/( (√3)))cos^2 θ+(r/( (√3)))sin^2 θ  =(r/( (√3))) ⇒∫∫_w (x^2 −2y^2 )(√(x^2  +3y^2 ))dxdy  =∫∫_((√3)≤r≤(√(13))and  0≤θ≤(π/2)) (r^2 cos^2 θ−(2/3)r^2 sin^2 θ)r(r/( (√3)))drdθ  =(1/( (√3)))∫_(√3) ^(√(13)) r^4 dr ∫_0 ^(π/2) ( cos^2 θ−(2/3)sin^2 θ)dθ     we have  ∫_(√3) ^(√(13))  r^4  dr  =[(r^5 /5)]_(√3) ^(√(13)) =(1/5){((√(13)))^5 −((√3))^5   ∫_0 ^(π/2) (cos^2 θ−(2/3)sin^2 θ)dθ =(1/3)∫_0 ^(π/2) (3cos^2 θ−2sin^2 θ)dθ  =(1/3) ∫_0 ^(π/2) (3((1+cos(2θ))/2)−2((1−cos(2θ))/2))dθ  =(1/2)∫_0 ^(π/2) (1+cos(2θ))dθ−(1/3)∫_0 ^(π/2) (1−cos(2θ))dθ  =(π/4) +(1/4)[sin(2θ)]_0 ^(π/2) −(π/6) +(1/6)[sin(2θ)]_0 ^(π/2)   =(π/(12)) ⇒  ∫∫_w (x^2 −2y^2 )(√(x^2 +3y^2 ))dxdy =(1/(5(√3))){((√(13)))^5 −((√3))^5 }(π/(12))  =(π/(60(√3))){ ((√(13)))^5 −((√3))^5 }.

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