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Question Number 68877 by mathmax by abdo last updated on 16/Sep/19
calculate ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)    ((xdx)/((x^2 −x+i)^2 ))     with i^2 =−1
Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 18/Sep/19
let A =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   ((xdx)/((x^2 −x +i)^2 ))  let  ϕ(z) =(z/((z^2 −z +i)^2 )) poles of ϕ?  z^2 −z +i =0 ⇒Δ =1−4i =(√(17))e^(iarctan(−4))  =(√(17))e^(−i arctan(4))   z_1 =((1+17^(1/4)  e^(−(i/2)arctan(4)) )/2)  and z_2 =((1−17^(1/4)  e^(−(i/2)arctan(4)) )/2)  ϕ(z) =(z/((z−z_1 )^2 (z−z_2 )^2 ))  residus theorem give  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ϕ(z)dz =2iπ Res(ϕ,z_2 )  Res(ϕ,z_2 ) =lim_(z→z_2 )  (1/((2−1)!)){ (z−z_2 )^2 ϕ(z)}^((1))   =lim_(z→z_2 )   {(z/((z−z_1 )^2 ))}^((1))  =lim_(z→z_1 )    (((z−z_1 )^2 −2(z−z_1 )z)/((z−z_1 )^4 ))  =lim_(z→z_2    )      ((z−z_1 −2z)/((z−z_1 )^3 )) =lim_(z→z_2 )    ((−z−z_1 )/((z−z_1 )^3 )) =((−z_2 −z_1 )/((z_2 −z_1 )^3 ))  =−(1/((−17^(1/4)  e^(−(i/2)arctan(4)) )^3 )) =(1/(17^(3/4)  e^(−((3i)/2) arctan(4)) )) ⇒  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ϕ(z)dz =2iπ ×(1/(17^(3/4)  e^(−((3i)/2) arctan(4)) )) =((2iπ e^(((3i)/2) arctan(4)) )/(17^(3/4) )) = A

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