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Question Number 911 by 112358 last updated on 22/Apr/15
Eight people are seated around  a circular table. Each person  must shake everyone′s hand but  they must not shake hands with  the two persons seated at their sides.  How many handshakes occur?
Answered by prakash jain last updated on 22/Apr/15
This will same as number of diagonals in  an octagon.  ((8×5)/2)=20
Commented by 112358 last updated on 23/Apr/15
Would it be possible to generalise  this problem where there are n   people and m number of persons  seated on both sides of each   person with whom hands cannot  be shaken?
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 23/Apr/15
((n×(n−2m−1))/2)  2m, m people on either side  1, self  So each point is connected with n−(2m+1)  points.  Divide by 2 for counting each line twice.

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