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Question Number 2052 by Yozzi last updated on 01/Nov/15
Find the solution of the d.e   (sinhx)((dy/dx))^2 +2(dy/dx)−sinhx=0  which satisfies y=0 at x=0.
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 01/Nov/15
∫cosh x∙coth x dx  =coth x∙sinh x+∫csch^2 x∙sinh xdx  =coth x∙sinh x+∫csch xdx  =cosh x+ln tanh (x/2)+C
Commented by Rasheed Soomro last updated on 04/Nov/15
  Find the solution of the d.e  (sinhx)((dy/dx))^2 +2(dy/dx)−sinhx=0  which satisfies y=0 at x=0.  −−−−−−−−−−++++−−−−−−−  Let  (dy/dx)=u  (sinh x)u^2 +2u−sinh x=0  u=((−2±(√((2)^2 −4(sinh x)(−sinh x))))/(2sinh x))     =((−2±2(√(1+sinh^2 x)))/(2sinh x))     =((−1±cosh x)/(sinh x))       u=((cosh x−1)/(sinh x)) ∣ u=−((1+cosh x)/(sinh x))  u=((cosh x)/(sinh x))−(1/(sinh x))   ∣ u=−((1+cosh x)/(sinh x))  (dy/dx)= coth x−csch x  ∣ (dy/dx)=−(1/(sinh x))−((cosh x)/(sinh x))  y=∫( coth x−csch x)dx ∣ y=−∫(csch x+coth x)dx  y=∫( coth x)dx−∫(csch x)dx ∣ y=−∫(csch x)dx−∫(coth x)dx     =ln∣sinh x∣−ln∣tanh(x/2)∣+C_(−)  ∣ =−ln∣sinh x∣−ln∣tanh(x/2)∣+C  Further evaluation   Suggested by Mr. Yozzi:  y=ln((sinh x)/(tanh (x/2)))+C ∣y=−ln∣(sinh x)(tanh(x/2))∣+C  y=ln{2sinh(x/2)cosh(x/2)×((cosh (x/2))/(sinh(x/2)))}+C∣y=−ln{2sinh(x/2)cosh(x/2)×((sinh (x/2))/(cosh(x/2)))}+C    =ln{2cosh^2 (x/2)}+C  ∣ y=−ln{2sinh^2 (x/2)}+C [C is not defined]      See comment (02−11−2015) by Yozzi for further process.
Commented by Yozzi last updated on 01/Nov/15
There′s an error in your evaluation Mr. Soomro.  (√(1+sinh^2 x))=±coshx≠cosh^2 x.  I appreciate the integral  ∫coshxcothxdx that arose however.  Errors could lead one to learning new  things.
Commented by Rasheed Soomro last updated on 03/Nov/15
THankS for mentioning my calculation mistake.  I am going to correct according to your suggestion.  The integral ∫cosh x coth x dx was derived mistakenly  (The mistake mentioned by you). I think that it was  not correct.
Commented by Yozzi last updated on 02/Nov/15
If you go further on simplifying  the first answer you get  y=ln∣((sinhx)/(tanh(x/2)))∣+C  y=ln∣2cosh(x/2)sinh(x/2)×((cosh(x/2))/(sinh(x/2)))∣+C  y=ln∣2cosh^2 (x/2)∣+C  y=0 at x=0  ∴ C=−ln2  ∴y=ln∣2cosh^2 0.5x∣−ln2  y=ln∣(2/2)cosh^2 0.5x∣  y=ln∣cosh^2 0.5x∣  y=2ln∣cosh0.5x∣  coshx>0 ∀x∈R  ∴y=2lncosh0.5x.  The second solution turns out not  to be a solution.  Checking y=2lncosh0.5x.  y^′ =2×((0.5sinh0.5x)/(cosh0.5x))=tanh0.5x  (y^′ )^2 =tanh^2 0.5x  sinhxtanh^2 0.5x+2tanh0.5x−sinhx  =sinhx(−sech^2 0.5x)+2tanh0.5x  =((2sinh0.5xcosh0.5x)/(−cosh^2 0.5x))+2tanh0.5x  =−2tanh0.5x+2tanh0.5x  =0 as required.    The other solution is invalid however.  since ln0 is undefined.
Ifyougofurtheronsimplifyingthefirstansweryougety=lnsinhxtanhx2+Cy=ln2coshx2sinhx2×cosh(x/2)sinh(x/2)+Cy=ln2cosh2x2+Cy=0atx=0C=ln2y=ln2cosh20.5xln2y=ln22cosh20.5xy=lncosh20.5xy=2lncosh0.5xcoshx>0xRy=2lncosh0.5x.Thesecondsolutionturnsoutnottobeasolution.Checkingy=2lncosh0.5x.y=2×0.5sinh0.5xcosh0.5x=tanh0.5xMissing \left or extra \rightsinhxtanh20.5x+2tanh0.5xsinhx=sinhx(sech20.5x)+2tanh0.5x=2sinh0.5xcosh0.5xcosh20.5x+2tanh0.5x=2tanh0.5x+2tanh0.5x=0asrequired.Theothersolutionisinvalidhowever.sinceln0isundefined.

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