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Question Number 66116 by Rio Michael last updated on 09/Aug/19
Given that  f(x) =  { ((x,  for 0≤x<2)),((0, for 2≤x≤3)) :}  is periodic with period 3 units,  find the value of  f(5) and f(−5)  sketch the graph of f(x) for x between −3 and 6    please i really need explanations when solving the first part of the question  thanks
Commented by Prithwish sen last updated on 09/Aug/19
f(x)=f(x+3)=f(x−3) ∵f  is a periodic with 3 unit  ∵ f(5) = f(8) or f(2)= 0  and f(−5) = f(−2) or f(−8)= x=−5
Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 09/Aug/19
thank you
Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 09/Aug/19
but i dont the fact that   f(x+3)=f(x−3) why ?  and your solving
Commented by Prithwish sen last updated on 09/Aug/19
∵ it is a periodic funtion of 3 unit it will repeat itself  after or before every 3 unit.  that is why f(x−3),f(x),f(x+3) will have the  same value.
Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 09/Aug/19
thank you sir

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