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Question Number 66108 by Rio Michael last updated on 09/Aug/19
Given that the binomial expansion of ((2 + kx)/((2−5x)^(2 ) )) , ∣x∣ < (2/(5 )) ,in ascending  powers of x is  (1/2) + (7/4)x + Ax^2  + ..., find the values of A and k
$${Given}\:{that}\:{the}\:{binomial}\:{expansion}\:{of}\:\frac{\mathrm{2}\:+\:{kx}}{\left(\mathrm{2}−\mathrm{5}{x}\right)^{\mathrm{2}\:} }\:,\:\mid{x}\mid\:<\:\frac{\mathrm{2}}{\mathrm{5}\:}\:,{in}\:{ascending} \\ $$$${powers}\:{of}\:{x}\:{is}\:\:\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{2}}\:+\:\frac{\mathrm{7}}{\mathrm{4}}{x}\:+\:{Ax}^{\mathrm{2}} \:+\:…,\:{find}\:{the}\:{values}\:{of}\:{A}\:{and}\:{k} \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 09/Aug/19
sir, please change your style for your  posts such that they can be read   without horizontal scrolling. thanks!
$${sir},\:{please}\:{change}\:{your}\:{style}\:{for}\:{your} \\ $$$${posts}\:{such}\:{that}\:{they}\:{can}\:{be}\:{read}\: \\ $$$${without}\:{horizontal}\:{scrolling}.\:{thanks}! \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 09/Aug/19
Commented by mr W last updated on 09/Aug/19
you can see the difference between  your post and my post.
$${you}\:{can}\:{see}\:{the}\:{difference}\:{between} \\ $$$${your}\:{post}\:{and}\:{my}\:{post}. \\ $$
Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 09/Aug/19
okay i′ll check it thanks
$${okay}\:{i}'{ll}\:{check}\:{it}\:{thanks} \\ $$$$ \\ $$

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