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Question Number 69116 by ~ À ® @ 237 ~ last updated on 20/Sep/19
 Here  are three propositions:   − This sentence has exactly six words  −There are two wrong propositions  −The two previous sentences are correct    Among that propositions ,how many are wrong? list them!
$$\:{Here}\:\:{are}\:{three}\:{propositions}:\: \\ $$$$−\:{This}\:{sentence}\:{has}\:{exactly}\:{six}\:{words} \\ $$$$−{There}\:{are}\:{two}\:{wrong}\:{propositions} \\ $$$$−{The}\:{two}\:{previous}\:{sentences}\:{are}\:{correct} \\ $$$$ \\ $$$${Among}\:{that}\:{propositions}\:,{how}\:{many}\:{are}\:{wrong}?\:{list}\:{them}! \\ $$

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