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Question Number 279 by amandeep last updated on 25/Jan/15
If P (x,y), F_1 =(3,0), F_2 =(−3,0) and   16x^2 +25y^2 =400 then PF_1 +PF_2 =?
Answered by 123456 last updated on 18/Dec/14
(4x)^2 +(5y)^2 =20^2   P(x,y)=(5cos θ,4sin θ)  (4∙5cos θ)^2 +(5∙4sin θ)^2 =20^2   P(x,y)=(5cos θ,4sin θ)  F_1 =(3,0)  F_2 =(−3,0)  PF_1 =F_1 −P=(3,0)−(5cos θ,4sin θ)  =(3−5cos θ,−4sin θ)  PF_1 ^2 =(3−5cos θ)^2 +(−4sin θ)^2   =9−30cos θ+25cos^2 θ+16sin^2 θ  =9−30cos θ+9cos^2 θ+16  =25−30cos θ+9cos^2 θ  =5^2 −2∙5∙3cos θ+(3cos θ)^2   =(5−3cos θ)^2   PF_1 =5−3cos θ,2≤5−3cos θ≤8  PF_2 =F_2 −P=(−3,0)−(5cos θ,4sin θ)  =(−3−5cos θ,−4sin θ)  PF_2 ^2 =(−3−5cos θ)^2 +(−4sin θ)^2   =9+30cos θ+25cos^2 θ+16sin^2 θ  =9+30cos θ+9cos^2 θ+16  =25+30cos θ+9cos^2 θ  =(5+3cos θ)^2   PF_2 =5+3cos θ,2≤5+3cos θ≤8  PF_1 +PF_2 =5−3cos θ+5+3cos θ=10
Commented by 123456 last updated on 18/Dec/14
fixed  thank you.
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 18/Dec/14
In step  PF_1 ^2 =(3−5cos θ)^2 +(−4sin θ)^2   It is actually PF_1 ^2  and not PF_1
Answered by prakash jain last updated on 18/Dec/14
y^2 =(400−16x^2 )/25  PF_1 ^2 =(x−3)^2 +y^2   =x^2 −6x+9+((400−16x^2 )/(25))  =((25x^2 −150x+225+400−16x^2 )/(25))  =((9x^2 −150x+625)/(25))=(((25−3x)^2 )/5^2 )  PF_1 =((25−3x)/5)  taking +ve value x≤5 ∵400−16x^2 =25y^2 ≥0  Similarly  PF_2 =(((3x+25))/5)  PF_1 +PF_2 =((50)/5)=10