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Question Number 2776 by Filup last updated on 27/Nov/15
Is:  ∫_a ^( b) f(x)dx≥Σ_(x=a) ^b f(x)  a<x<b
Commented by Filup last updated on 27/Nov/15
That is what I would assume
Commented by Filup last updated on 27/Nov/15
This is interesting. I was curious and  didn′t realise there is so much to consider    I was thinking more generally. Lets say  f(x)=ax^i +bx^(i−1) +...+x^1 +k  or f(x)=Σ_(i=1) ^n a_i x^i   or something as simple as  f(x)=ax^2 +bx+c
Commented by Yozzi last updated on 27/Nov/15
What does Σ_(x=a) ^b f(x) mean? Is it implying  that a,b∈Z? If you′re trying to say  to add up all values of f(x) for  f(x) being continuous and positive in the  interval a<x<b, Σ_(x=a) ^b f(x) is divergent  since the set X={x∈R∣a<x<b}  has non−finite cardinality.   If f(x) is continous and positive for a<x<b  the integral ∫_a ^b f(x)dx is finite and  positive. The inequality would not  hold.  Alternatively, f(x) could be such that the value  of Σ_(x=a) ^b f(x) is −∞. In this case the  inequality holds since ∫_a ^b f(x)dx  is finite.
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 27/Nov/15
if f(x) is defined only over finite subset.  Isn′t ∫_D f(x)dx=0 ?  Assuming ∣f(x)∣ <M  ∀x∈D.
Commented by 123456 last updated on 27/Nov/15
if you take f(x)= { ((g(x)    x∈D)),((0           x∉D)) :}  where D⊂[a,b] is a finite subset  i think that Σf(x) can converge
Commented by 123456 last updated on 27/Nov/15
yes, so if Σ_(x∈[a,b]) f(x) converge them  ∫_a ^b f(x)dx=0  (assuming ∣f(x)∣≤M,x∈D)

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