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Question Number 66816 by mathmax by abdo last updated on 20/Aug/19
let x>0 and f(x)=∫_1 ^2 (t+1)(√(t^2 −2xt−1))dt  1) find a explicit form of f(x)  2) determine also g(x)=∫_1 ^2 ((t^2  +t)/( (√(t^2 −2xt−1))))dt  3)find the value of integrals  ∫_1 ^2 (t+1)(√(t^2 −t−1))dt  and ∫_1 ^2   ((t^(2 ) +t)/( (√(t^2 −t−1))))dt .
Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/Aug/19
1) we have f(x)=∫_1 ^2 (t+1)(√(t^2 −2xt−1))dt   we have  t^2 −2xt−1 =t^2 −2xt+x^2 −x^2 −1 =(t−x)^2 −((√(1+x^2 )))^2   we do the changement t−x =(√(1+x^2 ))ch(u) ⇒  f(x) =∫_(argch(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))) ^(arch(((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 ))))))  (x+(√(1+x^2 ))ch(u))(√(1+x^2 ))sh(u)du  =x(√(1+x^2 )) ∫_(argch(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))) ^(argch(((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))) sh(u)du   +(1+x^2 )∫_(argch(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))) ^(argch(((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))) ch(u)sh(u)du  we have ∫_(argch(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))) ^(argch(((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))) sh(u)du =[ch(u)]_(arg(...)) ^(arg(...))   argch(((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 ))))) =ln(((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 ))))+(√(1+(((2−x)^2 )/(1+x^2 )))))  argch(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))=ln(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 ))))+(√(1+(((1−x)^2 )/(1+x^2 ))))) ⇒  ∫_(argch(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))) ^(argch(((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 ))))))  sh(u)du =(1/2)[ e^u −e^(−u) ]..=(1/2){((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 ))))+(√(1+(((2−x)^2 )/(1+x^2 ))))  −(1/((((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))) +(√(1+(((2−x)^2 )/(1+x^2 )))))^2 ))−(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 ))))+(√(1+(((1−x)^2 )/(1+x^2 )))))  +(1/((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))+(√(1+(((1−x)^2 )/(1+x^2 )))).  ∫_(α(x)) ^(β(x))  ch(u)sh(u)du =(1/2)∫_(α(x)) ^(β(x)) sh(2u)du =(1/4)[ch(2u)]_(α(x)) ^(β(x))   =(1/8)[ e^(2u)  −e^(−2u) ]_(α(x)) ^(β(x))  =(1/8)[e^(2β(x)) −e^(−2β(x)) −e^(2α(x) )  +e^(−2α(x)) ]  wit α(x)=argch(((1−x)/( (√(1+x^2 ))))) and β(x) =argch(((2−x)/( (√(1+x^2 )))))  the value of f(x) is known...
Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/Aug/19
2) we have f^′ (x)=∫_1 ^2 (t+1)(((−2t))/(2(√(t^2 −2xt −1))))dt  =−2 ∫_1 ^2  ((t^2  +t)/( (√(t^2 −2xt−1))))dt ⇒ ∫_1 ^2  ((t^2  +t)/( (√(t^2 −2xt−1))))dt =−(1/2)f^′ (x)  rest to calculate f^′ (x)...
Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/Aug/19
3) let I =∫_1 ^2 (t+1)(√(t^2 −t−1))dt    we have t^2 −t−1=  t^2 −2(t/2) +(1/4)−1−(1/4) =(t−(1/2))^2  −(5/4)  we do the changement  t−(1/2) =((√5)/2) ch(u) ⇒u=argch(((2t−1)/( (√5)))) ⇒  I =∫_(argch((1/( (√5))))) ^(argch((3/( (√5)))))  ((1/2)+((√5)/2)ch(u))((√5)/2)sh(u)du  =((√5)/4)∫_(ln((1/( (√5)))+(√(1+(1/5))))) ^(ln((3/( (√5)))+(√(1+(9/5)))))   sh(u)du +(5/8) ∫_(ln((1/( (√5)))+(√(1+(1/5))))) ^(ln((3/( (√5)))+(√(1+(9/5)))))  sh(2u) du  =((√5)/8)[ e^u −e^(−u) ]_(ln((1/( (√5)))+((√6)/( (√5))))) ^(ln((3/( (√5)))+((√(13))/( (√5)))))   +(5/(16))[ e^(2u)  −e^(−2u) ]_(ln(((1+(√6))/( (√5))))) ^(ln(((3+(√(13)))/( (√5)))))   =((√5)/8){ ((3+(√(13)))/( (√5))) −(1/((3+(√(13)))/( (√5)))) −(((1+(√6))/( (√5))))+(1/((1+(√6))/( (√5))))}  +(5/(16)){  (((3+(√(13)))/( (√5))))^2 −(1/((((3+(√(13)))/( (√5))))^2 ))−(((1+(√6))/( (√5))))^2  +(1/((((1+(√6))/( (√5))))^2 ))}

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