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Question Number 133114 by bemath last updated on 19/Feb/21
 lim_(x→∞)  (((√(x^2 −x))/x) + (1/4)sin ((2/x)))^(x^2 +sin 3x) ?
Answered by bobhans last updated on 19/Feb/21
L=lim_(x→∞) (((√(x^2 −x))/x) + (1/4)sin ((2/x)))^(x^2 +sin (3x))   = lim_(x→∞) ((√(1−(1/x)))+(1/4)sin ((2/x)))^(x^2 +sin (3x))   let (1/x) = z , z→0^+   =lim_(z→0^+ ) ((√(1−z)) +(1/4)sin (2z))^((1/z^2 )+sin ((3/z)))   ln L = lim_(z→0^+ ) ((1/z^2 )+sin ((3/z)))ln ((√(1−z))+(1/4)sin (2z))  = lim_(z→0^+ ) ((((1+z^2 sin ((3/z)))ln ((√(1−z))+(1/4)sin 2z))/z^2 )  by Sandwich theorem we get that   lim_(z→0^+ ) (1+z^2 sin ((3/z)))= 1  therefore the limit reduces to  ln L= lim_(z→0^+ )  ((ln ((√(1−z))+(1/4)sin (2z)))/z^2 )  ln L= lim_(z→0^+ )  ((−(1/2)(1−z)^(−(1/2)) +(1/2)cos (2t))/(2t((√(1−z))+(1/4)sin 2z)))  = lim_(z→0^+ )  (1/( (√(1−z))+(1/4)sin 2z)). lim_(z→0^+ )  ((−(1−z)^(−1/2) +cos 2z)/(4z))  = 1 .lim_(z→0^+ )  ((−(1/2)(1−z)^(−3/2) −2sin 2z)/4)  = −(1/8) ; ln L = −(1/8) then L = e^(−1/8)   or L = (1/( ((e ))^(1/(8 )) ))

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