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Question Number 134370 by Eric002 last updated on 03/Mar/21
Commented by Eric002 last updated on 02/Mar/21
find io and vo
$${find}\:{io}\:{and}\:{vo} \\ $$
Answered by Eric002 last updated on 03/Mar/21
6=io + ((io)/4) +((vo)/8)  vo=v(2Ω)  vo=2io  6=io+((io)/4)+((2io)/8)  6=(3/2)io  io=4  vo=2io  so  vo=8
$$\mathrm{6}={io}\:+\:\frac{{io}}{\mathrm{4}}\:+\frac{{vo}}{\mathrm{8}} \\ $$$${vo}={v}\left(\mathrm{2}\Omega\right) \\ $$$${vo}=\mathrm{2}{io} \\ $$$$\mathrm{6}={io}+\frac{{io}}{\mathrm{4}}+\frac{\mathrm{2}{io}}{\mathrm{8}} \\ $$$$\mathrm{6}=\frac{\mathrm{3}}{\mathrm{2}}{io} \\ $$$${io}=\mathrm{4} \\ $$$${vo}=\mathrm{2}{io}\:\:{so}\:\:{vo}=\mathrm{8} \\ $$

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