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Question Number 134376 by mr W last updated on 02/Mar/21
Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Mar/21
a solid cone of mass m is released  from rest at the horizontal position  on a inclined plane as shown. the cone  can only roll on the plane. find the  time the cone needs for a forth and  back run (=period).
$${a}\:{solid}\:{cone}\:{of}\:{mass}\:{m}\:{is}\:{released} \\ $$$${from}\:{rest}\:{at}\:{the}\:{horizontal}\:{position} \\ $$$${on}\:{a}\:{inclined}\:{plane}\:{as}\:{shown}.\:{the}\:{cone} \\ $$$${can}\:{only}\:{roll}\:{on}\:{the}\:{plane}.\:{find}\:{the} \\ $$$${time}\:{the}\:{cone}\:{needs}\:{for}\:{a}\:{forth}\:{and} \\ $$$${back}\:{run}\:\left(={period}\right). \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Mar/21
solution see Q134678
$${solution}\:{see}\:{Q}\mathrm{134678} \\ $$

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