Question Number 134678 by mr W last updated on 07/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Mar/21
![OC=axis of cone OD=contact line of cone on plane G=center of mass of cone OC=h OG=(3/4)h OD=(√(h^2 +r^2 )) tan ρ=(r/h) ⇒ρ=tan^(−1) (r/h) GE⊥OD GE=e=((OG)/(OD))×r=((3hr)/(4(√(h^2 +r^2 )))) OE=f=((OG)/(OD))×h=((3h^2 )/(4(√(h^2 +r^2 )))) the position of the cone is described through θ with −90°≤θ≤90°, since the cone is released from rest at θ=−90°. since the surface is rough enough such that the cone can only roll on the plane without slipping, the cone rotates about its tip point O along the plane. besides it rotates about its own axis OC. say the angular speed of the motion about O is ω_P and that about its axis is ω_a . ω_P =(dθ/dt)=ω since there is no slipping on the contact, OD×ω_P =r×ω_a ⇒ω_a =((OD)/r)ω_P =(ω/(sin ρ)) ω_(P,s) =ω_P cos ρ=ω cos ρ ω_(P,a) =−ω_P sin ρ=−ω sin ρ we see ω_(P,a) is opposite to ω_a , therefore the negative sign. I_a =((3mr^2 )/(10)) I_s =((3m)/(20))(r^2 +4h^2 ) the kinetic energy of cone at θ: KE_t =(1/2)I_a (ω_a +ω_(P,a) )^2 +(1/2)I_s ω_(P,s) ^2 KE_t =(1/2)×((3mr^2 )/(10))×((1/(sin ρ))−sin ρ)^2 ω^2 +(1/2)×((3m)/(20))(r^2 +4h^2 )×cos^2 ρ×ω^2 KE_t =((3m)/(40))[((2/(sin ρ))−sin ρ)((1/(sin ρ))−sin ρ)r^2 +4 cos^2 ρ h^2 ]ω^2 KE_t =((3mh^2 )/(40))[((2/(sin ρ))−sin ρ)((1/(sin ρ))−sin ρ)tan^2 ρ+4 cos^2 ρ]ω^2 KE_t =((3mh^2 )/(40))(1+5 cos^2 ρ)ω^2 let z_O =0 at t=0 and θ=−90°: z_(E,0) =0 at θ: z_(E,t) =−OE×cos θ×sin φ=−f cos θ sin φ KE_t =mg(z_(E,0) −z_(E,t) ) ((3mh^2 )/(40))(1+5 cos^2 ρ)ω^2 =mgf cos θ sin φ (1+5 cos^2 ρ)ω^2 =((10g)/( (√(h^2 +r^2 ))))×cos θ sin φ ω^2 =((10g cos ρ)/( h(1+5 cos^2 ρ)))×cos θ sin φ with ξ=(√((10g cos ρ)/( h(1+5 cos^2 ρ)))) ⇒ω=ξ(√(sin φ cos θ)) (dθ/dt)=ξ(√(sin φ cos θ)) ∫(dθ/( (√(cos θ))))=ξ(√(sin φ))∫dt let T=period ∫_0 ^(π/2) (dθ/( (√(cos θ))))=((ξ(√(sin φ)) T)/4) ⇒T=(4/(ξ(√(sin φ))))∫_0 ^(π/2) (dθ/( (√(cos θ))))=((2B((1/4),(1/2)))/(ξ(√(sin φ)))) ⇒T≈((10.48823)/(ξ(√(sin φ))))=3.31667(√((1+5 cos^2 ρ)/(cos ρ sin φ)))(√(h/g)) example: ρ=15°=(π/(12)) φ=30°=(π/6) T≈11.359(√(h/g))](
Commented by physicstutes last updated on 06/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Mar/21

Commented by I want to learn more last updated on 06/Mar/21

Commented by physicstutes last updated on 06/Mar/21