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Question Number 66842 by John Kaloki Musau last updated on 20/Aug/19
Commented by John Kaloki Musau last updated on 20/Aug/19
In the figure above,BAD and CBD are right angled triangles. Find the length of AB.
Commented by John Kaloki Musau last updated on 20/Aug/19
The answer is 1.549. please  show me how to do it.
$$\boldsymbol{{The}}\:\boldsymbol{{answer}}\:\boldsymbol{{is}}\:\mathrm{1}.\mathrm{549}.\:\boldsymbol{{please}} \\ $$$$\boldsymbol{{show}}\:\boldsymbol{{me}}\:\boldsymbol{{how}}\:\boldsymbol{{to}}\:\boldsymbol{{do}}\:\boldsymbol{{it}}. \\ $$

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