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Question Number 77066 by Boyka last updated on 03/Jan/20
Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jan/20
the question is non−sense!  or can you even  “find the sum of 2 numbers?”
$${the}\:{question}\:{is}\:{non}−{sense}! \\ $$$${or}\:{can}\:{you}\:{even} \\ $$$$“{find}\:{the}\:{sum}\:{of}\:\mathrm{2}\:{numbers}?'' \\ $$
Commented by jagoll last updated on 03/Jan/20
$${waww} \\ $$
Commented by Boyka last updated on 03/Jan/20
cursor is working sir please
$$\mathrm{cursor}\:\mathrm{is}\:\mathrm{working}\:\mathrm{sir}\:\mathrm{please} \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jan/20
sir: nobody can answer the question,  since the question is not clear. it  is if i ask you to find the sum of  2 numbers. you can′t answer because  you don′t know which 2 numbers.  your question asks to find the  sum of 5^(2018)  numbers, but it is not  said what the 5^(2018)  numbers are.
$${sir}:\:{nobody}\:{can}\:{answer}\:{the}\:{question}, \\ $$$${since}\:{the}\:{question}\:{is}\:{not}\:{clear}.\:{it} \\ $$$${is}\:{if}\:{i}\:{ask}\:{you}\:{to}\:{find}\:{the}\:{sum}\:{of} \\ $$$$\mathrm{2}\:{numbers}.\:{you}\:{can}'{t}\:{answer}\:{because} \\ $$$${you}\:{don}'{t}\:{know}\:{which}\:\mathrm{2}\:{numbers}. \\ $$$${your}\:{question}\:{asks}\:{to}\:{find}\:{the} \\ $$$${sum}\:{of}\:\mathrm{5}^{\mathrm{2018}} \:{numbers},\:{but}\:{it}\:{is}\:{not} \\ $$$${said}\:{what}\:{the}\:\mathrm{5}^{\mathrm{2018}} \:{numbers}\:{are}. \\ $$
Commented by Boyka last updated on 03/Jan/20
$$\mathrm{ok}. \\ $$

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