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Question Number 67501 by TawaTawa last updated on 28/Aug/19
Show that  1n^3  + 2n + 3n^2   is divisible by 2 and 3 for all positive integers n.
Commented by Prithwish sen last updated on 28/Aug/19
Another approch  We know that  (1+x)^n =1+nx+ ((n(n−1))/(2!))x^2  + ((n(n−1)(n−2))/(3!))x^(3 +)   ........+((n(n−1)(n−2).......(n−r+1))/(r!)) x^r +.....+x^n   Now as far n∈N the coefficients of the expression  are integers  ∴           n(n−1)     must be divisible by 2! = 2  n(n−1)(n−2)        ′′         ′′        ′′             ′′   3! = 6  ...............................  n(n−1)(n−2)....(n−r+1)  must be divisible by r!  Now by putting n = n+2 at n(n−1)(n−2) we get ,  n(n+1)(n+2) must be divisible by 3! = 6 proved.
Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 28/Aug/19
God bless you sir
Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 28/Aug/19
n^3 +3n^2 +2n=n(n+1)(n+3)  For 2:n∈E ∨ n∈O   n ∈E⇒  2 ∣ n⇒2 ∣ n(n+1)(n+2)          ⇒2 ∣ n^3 +3n^2 +2n  n∈O⇒n+1∈E⇒2 ∣ n+1 ⇒2 ∣ n(n+1)(n+2)          ⇒2 ∣ n^3 +3n^2 +2n  For 3:n=3k or n=3k+1 or n=3k+2     ∀ k∈Z  n=3k⇒3∣n⇒3∣n(n+1)(n+2)                ⇒3∣n^3 +3n^2 +2n  n=3k+1⇒n+2=3k+1+2=3(k+1)                3∣n+2⇒3∣n(n+1)(n+2)                ⇒3∣n^3 +3n^2 +2n  n=3k+2⇒n+1=3k+3=3(k+1)             ⇒3∣n+1⇒3∣n(n+1)(n+2)                ⇒3∣n^3 +3n^2 +2n  Hence 2∣n^3 +3n^2 +2n ∧ 3∣n^3 +3n^2 +2n
Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 28/Aug/19
God bless you sir
Answered by petrochengula last updated on 28/Aug/19
n^3 +2n+3n^2 =n(n+1)(n+2)  let the statement p(n) given as p(n):n^3 +2n+3n^2  is divisible by 2 and 3, ∀nεz^+   we observe that p(1) is true, since 1^2 +2+3=6 is divisible by 2 and 3  assume that p(n) is true for some integer k  p(k):k^3 +2k+3k^(2 )  is divisible by 2 and 3 such that k^3 +2k+3k^2 =2p and k^3 +2k+3k^2 =3q where p,qεZ^+ . Now to prove that p(k+1):(k+1)^3 +2(k+1)+3(k+1)^2   1^(st ) case  we have to show that p(k+1) is divisible by 2  (k+1)^3 +2(k+1)+3(k+1)^2 =k^3 +3k^2 +3k+2k+2+3(k^2 +2k+1)  =k^3 +2k+3k^2 +2(k^2 +3k+2)+(k+1)(k+2)  but k^3 +2k+3k^2 =2p ⇒k(k+1)(k+2)=2p⇒(k+1)(k+2)=((2p)/k)  (k+1)^3 +2(k+1)+3(k+1)^2 =2p+2(k^2 +3k+2)+((2p)/k)  =2(p+k^2 +3k+2+(p/k))=2m  2^(nd ) case  We have to show that p(k+1) is divisible by 3  (k+1)^3 +2(k+1)+3(k+1)^2 =k^3 +2k+3k^2 +3k^2 +9k+6  =3q+3(k^2 +3k+2)  =3(q+k^2 +3k+2)  Thus p(k+1) is true,whenever p(k) is true  Hence by the principle of mathematical induction p(n) is true for all positive integers number n.
Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 28/Aug/19
God bless you sir

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