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Question Number 739 by malwaan last updated on 08/Mar/15
solve x^2 −7y^2 =1 in Z
Commented by 123456 last updated on 06/Mar/15
S={(x,y)∈Z^2 ∣x^2 −7y^2 =1}
Commented by 123456 last updated on 06/Mar/15
(x,y)=(−1,0)  (x,y)=(1,0)  (x,y)=(8,3)
Commented by 123456 last updated on 06/Mar/15
if (x_1 ,y_1 ) is a solution, then (x_1 ,−y_1 )  is a solution  x_1 ^2 −7(±y_1 )^2 =x_1 ^2 −7y_1 ^2
Commented by 123456 last updated on 06/Mar/15
(u^2 −7v^2 )(x^2 −7y^2 )  =u^2 x^2 −7u^2 y^2 −7v^2 x^2 +49v^2 y^2   =(ux)^2 +(7vy)^2 −7[(uy)^2 +(vx)^2 ]  =(ux)^2 +(7vy)^2 −7[(uy)^2 +(vx)^2 ]+2(ux)(7vy)−2(ux)(vy)  =(ux)^2 ±2(ux)(7vy)+(7vy)^2 −7[(uy)^2 ±2(uy)(vx)+(vx)^2 ]  =(ux±7vy)^2 −7(uy±vx)^2   f:Z^4 →Z^2   f[(x_1 ,y_1 ),(x_2 ,y_2 )]=(x_1 x_2 +7y_1 y_2 ,x_1 y_2 +x_2 y_1 )
Answered by prakash jain last updated on 06/Mar/15
7y^2 =x^2 −1=(x+1)(x−1)  7 divides (x+1)(x−1)⇒x=7k+1 or 7k−1  Case I: x=7k+1  7y^2 =7k(7k+2)⇒y^2 =k(7k+2)  k(7k+2) is perfect square so k is a factor of  7k+2.  ((7k+2)/k)=7+(2/k)  Only possible values for k are 0, ±1, ±2  k=0, k(7k+2)=0=0^2 ⇒y=0, x=7k+1=1  k=1, k(7k+2)=9=3^2 ⇒y=±3, x=7k+1=8  k=−1, k(7k+2)=5 (not a perfect square)  k=2, k(7k+2)=32 (not a perfect square)  k=−2, k(7k+2)=24 (not a perfect square)  Case II: x=7k−1  y^2 =k(7k−2)  As above k=0, ±1,±2  k=0, k(7k−2)=0=0^2 ⇒y=0, x=7k−1=−1  k=1, k(7k−2)=5 (not a perfect square)  k=−1, k(7k−2)=9=3^2 ⇒y=±3, x=7k−1=−8  k=2, k(7k−2)=24 (not a perfect square)  k=−2, k(7k−2)=32 (not a perfect square)  So the only solution x^2 −7y^2 =1 are  x=−1,y =0  x=1, y=0  x=8, y=±3  x=−8, y=±3

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