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Question Number 2004 by Yozzi last updated on 29/Oct/15
Suppose 0<b≤a. Show that the area of  intersection E∩F of the two regions  defined by   E={(x,y):(x^2 /a^2 )+(y^2 /b^2 )≤1} and  F={(x,y):(x^2 /b^2 )+(y^2 /a^2 )≤1}   is    4absin^(−1) ((b/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))).
Answered by Rasheed Soomro last updated on 08/Nov/15
Strategy  • E^(⌢) :(x^2 /a^2 )+(y^2 /b^2 )=1 (1)  and   F^(⌢) :(x^2 /b^2 )+(y^2 /a^2 )=1 (2) are equations of ellipses    which are boundary−curves of the regions E and F respectively.  •For  E∩F≠φ the two ellipses intersect at two points.Let these   points are A(x_1 ,y_1 ) and  B(x_2 ,y_2 ).  •AB^(−)  (common chord) divides each of the E and F regions   into two parts(segments).  • Let e and f are the areas of  respective segments of E and F which  make E∩F and A =E∩F. Then                              A=e+f  •Let  the coordinate system is so changed that A(x_1 ,y_1 ) is   origin and   x−axis is passed through B in new coordinate   system. The coordinates of A and B will be:                             A=(0,0)            and             B=(mAB^(−) ,0)                              mAB^(−) =(√((x_2 −x_1 )^2 +(y_2 −y_1 )^2 ))   • e is the area between curve and x−axis from x=0 to  x=mAB^(−) .  So as f.           Hence  e and f  can be determined using definite_(−)   integral_(−)  of the curve.                                                      ∗∗∗∗∗  Determine intersection points A(x_1 ,y_1 ) and  B(x_2 ,y_2 )  ⇒y=±((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))  ⇒x=±((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))  {(((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 )))),((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))),(((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 )))),((−ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))),              (  ((−ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 )))),((ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))),(((−ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 )))),((−ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 )))))}  −−−−−−−−  mAB^(−) =((2ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))  , ((2(√(2 ))ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))   −−−−−−−−          e=∫_0 ^(mAB^(−) ) (±b(√(1−(x^2 /a^2 ))) )dx=±(b/a)∫_0 ^(mAB^(−) )  (√(a^2 −x^2 )) dx            =±(b/a)∣(x/2)(√(a^2 −x^2 ))+(a^2 /2)sin^(−1) (x/a) +C∣_0 ^(mAB^(−) )      =±(b/a){[((((2ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 )))) )/2)(√(a^2 −(((2ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 )))))^2 ))+(a^2 /2)sin^(−1) (((((2ab)/( (√(a^2 +b^2 ))))))/a) +C]                   −[(0/2)(√(a^2 −(0)^2 ))+(a^2 /2)sin^(−1) (0/a) +C]}          f=∫_0 ^(mAB^(−) ) (±a(√(1−(x^2 /b^2 ))) )dx=±(a/b)∫_0 ^(mAB^(−) )  (√(b^2 −x^2 )) dx     Continue

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