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Question Number 5152 by 1771727373 last updated on 23/Apr/16
there is an ineterger a,b,c  can there be an interger as   a^n +b^(n+1) =c^(n+2)       (n is a interger)
Commented by Yozzii last updated on 25/Apr/16
Let n=0⇒ 1+b=c^2   Let (a,b,c)=(0,8,3)  ⇒1+8=3^2 ⇒9=9.
Commented by Rasheed Soomro last updated on 06/May/16
If (a,b,c)=(0,8,3) then for n=0  a^n +b^(n+1) =c^(n+2)  ⇒ 0^0 +8^1 =3^2   Does 0^0 =1?  I think 0^0  is indeterminate and  a is an integer other than 0.
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 08/May/16
0^0  is indeteminate only when it occurs as  a limit in that case that value of limits  depends on the function, in this case  lim_(a→0)  a^0 =1
Commented by Rasheed Soomro last updated on 08/May/16
This is knowledge for me. Thanks!

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