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Question Number 6799 by Tawakalitu. last updated on 27/Jul/16
What is the probability that 3 customers waiting in bank will   be served in sequence of their arrival.
$${What}\:{is}\:{the}\:{probability}\:{that}\:\mathrm{3}\:{customers}\:{waiting}\:{in}\:{bank}\:{will}\: \\ $$$${be}\:{served}\:{in}\:{sequence}\:{of}\:{their}\:{arrival}. \\ $$
Commented by Yozzii last updated on 27/Jul/16
sequence of arrival is one out of 3!=6.  ⇒ experimental probability=(1/6).
$${sequence}\:{of}\:{arrival}\:{is}\:{one}\:{out}\:{of}\:\mathrm{3}!=\mathrm{6}. \\ $$$$\Rightarrow\:{experimental}\:{probability}=\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{6}}. \\ $$
Commented by Tawakalitu. last updated on 27/Jul/16
Thank you very much
$${Thank}\:{you}\:{very}\:{much} \\ $$

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