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Question Number 156005 by aliyn last updated on 07/Oct/21
∫_0 ^( (π/2))  (x/(sin(x))) dx
$$\int_{\mathrm{0}} ^{\:\frac{\pi}{\mathrm{2}}} \:\frac{{x}}{{sin}\left({x}\right)}\:{dx} \\ $$
Commented by CAIMAN last updated on 07/Oct/21
Commented by tabata last updated on 08/Oct/21
sir what is the formolla of G
$$\boldsymbol{{sir}}\:\boldsymbol{{what}}\:\boldsymbol{{is}}\:\boldsymbol{{the}}\:\boldsymbol{{formolla}}\:\boldsymbol{{of}}\:\boldsymbol{{G}} \\ $$
Answered by phanphuoc last updated on 07/Oct/21
$${quora}.{com} \\ $$
Commented by aliyn last updated on 07/Oct/21
can it solve ?
$${can}\:{it}\:{solve}\:? \\ $$
Answered by CAIMAN last updated on 07/Oct/21
Commented by tabata last updated on 08/Oct/21
thank you sir put the picture is not  clearly
$$\boldsymbol{{thank}}\:\boldsymbol{{you}}\:\boldsymbol{{sir}}\:\boldsymbol{{put}}\:\boldsymbol{{the}}\:\boldsymbol{{picture}}\:\boldsymbol{{is}}\:\boldsymbol{{not}} \\ $$$$\boldsymbol{{clearly}}\: \\ $$

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