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Question Number 55992 by Mikael_Marshall last updated on 07/Mar/19
1 + x + x^2  + . . . + x^(99) =0  need an explanation.
Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Mar/19
if x=−1:  1 + x + x^2  +x^3 + . . .+x^(98)  + x^(99)   =(1 + x) + (x^2  +x^3 )+ . . .+(x^(98)  + x^(99) )  =(1−1)+(1−1)+...+(1−1)  =0    or  if x=−1:  1 + x + x^2  + . . . + x^(99) =((1−x^(100) )/(1−x))=((1−1)/2)=0
Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 07/Mar/19
if x from C   (e) ⇔ ((1−x^(100) )/(1−x)) =0  with x≠1 ⇒x^(100) =1 =e^(i2kπ)  ⇒  x_k =e^((ikπ)/(50))       and k∈[[1,99]]  are roots of  this equation.

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