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Question Number 148994 by gsk2684 last updated on 02/Aug/21
(102)^4   easy way to caculate
$$\left(\mathrm{102}\right)^{\mathrm{4}} \\ $$$${easy}\:{way}\:{to}\:{caculate} \\ $$
Answered by iloveisrael last updated on 02/Aug/21
(100+2)^4 =Σ_(n=0) ^4 C_k ^4 (100)^(4−k)  (2)^k
$$\left(\mathrm{100}+\mathrm{2}\right)^{\mathrm{4}} =\underset{\mathrm{n}=\mathrm{0}} {\overset{\mathrm{4}} {\sum}}\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{k}} ^{\mathrm{4}} \left(\mathrm{100}\right)^{\mathrm{4}−\mathrm{k}} \:\left(\mathrm{2}\right)^{\mathrm{k}} \: \\ $$
Commented by gsk2684 last updated on 02/Aug/21
thank u  i did not remember
$${thank}\:{u} \\ $$$${i}\:{did}\:{not}\:{remember}\: \\ $$

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