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Question Number 192257 by Tomal last updated on 13/May/23
  A bullet with a velocity of 30 ms^(−1)  after  pentrating a 6 cm whole tree the velocity is   reduced by one−third and then the bullet  travels for 1s more.       Will the bullet penetratee  th tree? Analyze mathematically.
Commented by AST last updated on 13/May/23
Maybe it should be “...after hitting a 6cm...”
Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 13/May/23
question is not clear. probably issue  with translation
Commented by AST last updated on 16/Oct/23
The velocity of the bullet reduces to 20ms^(−1)   after hitting. This implies it travels a distance  of 20m after 1s(assuming the speed was   constant).. Suppose the bullet stopped after 1s  v=u+at⇒0=20+a⇒a=−20ms^(−2)   s=ut+((at^2 )/2)=20−10=10m.   Since 20m>10m>6cm, the bullet penetrates   the tree in both cases.

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