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Question Number 192990 by last updated on 01/Jun/23
A fair die is tossed four times .what  is the probability of obtaining a   prime each time
$${A}\:{fair}\:{die}\:{is}\:{tossed}\:{four}\:{times}\:.{what} \\ $$$${is}\:{the}\:{probability}\:{of}\:{obtaining}\:{a}\: \\ $$$${prime}\:{each}\:{time} \\ $$
Answered by som(math1967) last updated on 01/Jun/23
total outcome=6^4   prime numbers={2,3,5}  ∴ favourable outcome=3^4    probability a prime each time  =(3^4 /6^4 )=(1/(16))
$${total}\:{outcome}=\mathrm{6}^{\mathrm{4}} \\ $$$${prime}\:{numbers}=\left\{\mathrm{2},\mathrm{3},\mathrm{5}\right\} \\ $$$$\therefore\:{favourable}\:{outcome}=\mathrm{3}^{\mathrm{4}} \\ $$$$\:{probability}\:{a}\:{prime}\:{each}\:{time} \\ $$$$=\frac{\mathrm{3}^{\mathrm{4}} }{\mathrm{6}^{\mathrm{4}} }=\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{16}} \\ $$
Commented by last updated on 01/Jun/23
thank you sir!
$${thank}\:{you}\:{sir}! \\ $$

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