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Question Number 58569 by peter frank last updated on 25/Apr/19
A vector has magnitude  6 and bearing 100°.write  it in the form ai+bj
$${A}\:{vector}\:{has}\:{magnitude} \\ $$$$\mathrm{6}\:{and}\:{bearing}\:\mathrm{100}°.{write} \\ $$$${it}\:{in}\:{the}\:{form}\:{ai}+{bj} \\ $$
Answered by tanmay last updated on 25/Apr/19
A^→ =6cos(100^o )i+6sin(100)j
$$\overset{\rightarrow} {{A}}=\mathrm{6}{cos}\left(\mathrm{100}^{{o}} \right){i}+\mathrm{6}{sin}\left(\mathrm{100}\right){j} \\ $$
Commented by peter frank last updated on 25/Apr/19
thank you.but the ans  given  5.91i−1.04j
$${thank}\:{you}.{but}\:{the}\:{ans} \\ $$$${given} \\ $$$$\mathrm{5}.\mathrm{91}{i}−\mathrm{1}.\mathrm{04}{j} \\ $$
Commented by tanmay last updated on 25/Apr/19
put the value of cos100^o  and sin100^o
$${put}\:{the}\:{value}\:{of}\:{cos}\mathrm{100}^{{o}} \:{and}\:{sin}\mathrm{100}^{{o}} \\ $$
Commented by peter frank last updated on 25/Apr/19
6cos 100=−1.041  6sin 100=5.9088
$$\mathrm{6cos}\:\mathrm{100}=−\mathrm{1}.\mathrm{041} \\ $$$$\mathrm{6sin}\:\mathrm{100}=\mathrm{5}.\mathrm{9088} \\ $$

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