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Question Number 124532 by liberty last updated on 04/Dec/20
 ∫ (dx/(x^2 (√(x^2 −1)))) ?
Answered by bemath last updated on 04/Dec/20
 ϑ(x) = ∫ (dx/(x^3  (√(1−x^(−2) )))) = ∫ (x^(−3) /( (√(1−x^(−2) )))) dx  letting z = 1−x^(−2)  →dz = 2x^(−3)  dx   ϑ(x)= (1/2)∫ (dz/( (√z))) = (1/2)∫ z^(−(1/2))  dz    ϑ(x) = (√z) + c = (√(1−(1/x^2 ))) + c    ϑ(x) = ((√(x^2 −1))/x) + c
Answered by MJS_new last updated on 04/Dec/20
I′m absolutely crazy and I should be kept  away from students...  this is no fun to transform but I had lots of  fun transforming it and the integral... look  at the integral... isn′t it super easy?!  t=(√(2x(x+(√(x^2 −1))))) ⇔ x=(t^2 /(2(√(t^2 −1))))  → dx=((t(t^2 −2))/(2(t^2 −1)^(3/2) ))dt  ∫(dx/(x^2 (√(x^2 −1))))=8∫(((t^2 −1)^(3/2) )/(t^4 (t^2 −2)))dx=  = ♥ 4∫(dt/t^3 ) ♥ =−(2/t^2 )=−(1/(x(x+(√(x^2 −1)))))=  =(((√(x^2 −1))−x)/x)=((√(x^2 −1))/x)−1=((√(x^2 −1))/x)+C
Commented by bemath last updated on 04/Dec/20 are not crazy prof. but  you are a master of math and   santuy. wkwkwk...
Answered by Ar Brandon last updated on 04/Dec/20
I=∫(dx/(x^2 (√(x^2 −1))))=∫(dx/(x^3 (√(1−(1/x^2 )))))  1−(1/x^2 )=u ⇒ (2/x^3 )dx=du  I=∫(1/( (√u)))∙(du/2)=(√u)+C=(√(1−(1/x^2 )))+C
Answered by malwan last updated on 04/Dec/20
x = sec y ⇒ dx = secy tany dy  ∴ ∫(( secy tany)/(sec^2 y (√(sec^2 y − 1)))) dy = ∫(( tan y)/(sec y (√(tan^2 y)))) dy  = ∫(( dy)/(sec y)) = ∫ cos y dy = ((√(x^2 −1))/x) + C
Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 04/Dec/20
I =∫    (dx/(x^2 (√(x^2 −1)))) we do the changement x=cht ⇒  I =∫   ((sht)/(ch^2 t sh(t)))dt =2∫  (dt/(1+ch(2t))) =_(2t=u)   2∫   (du/(2(1+chu)))  =∫  (du/(1+((e^(u ) +e^(−u) )/2))) =2 ∫  (du/(2+e^u  +e^(−u) )) =_(e^u  =y)    2∫   (dy/(y(2+y+y^(−1) )))  =2∫  (dy/(2y+y^2 +1)) =2∫  (dy/((y+1)^2 )) =−(2/(y+1)) +C  we have  y=e^u  =e^(2t)  and  t=argch(x)=ln(x+(√(x^2 −1))) ⇒  e^(2t)  =(x+(√(x^2 −1)))^2  ⇒ I =((−2)/((x+(√(x^2 −1)))^2 +1)) +C

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