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Question Number 58568 by olalekan2 last updated on 25/Apr/19
factorize  px^2 −py^2 +qy^2 −px^2
$${factorize} \\ $$$${px}^{\mathrm{2}} −{py}^{\mathrm{2}} +{qy}^{\mathrm{2}} −{px}^{\mathrm{2}} \\ $$
Commented by malwaan last updated on 26/Apr/19
I think the last term is qx^2
$${I}\:{think}\:{the}\:{last}\:{term}\:{is}\:{qx}^{\mathrm{2}} \\ $$
Answered by peter frank last updated on 25/Apr/19
qy^2 −py^2   y^2 (q−p)
$${qy}^{\mathrm{2}} −{py}^{\mathrm{2}} \\ $$$${y}^{\mathrm{2}} \left({q}−{p}\right) \\ $$
Answered by malwaan last updated on 26/Apr/19
p(x^2 −y^2 )+q(y^2 −x^2 )  =(x−y)(x+y)(p−q)
$${p}\left({x}^{\mathrm{2}} −{y}^{\mathrm{2}} \right)+{q}\left({y}^{\mathrm{2}} −{x}^{\mathrm{2}} \right) \\ $$$$=\left({x}−{y}\right)\left({x}+{y}\right)\left({p}−{q}\right) \\ $$

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