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Question Number 158537 by apriadodir last updated on 05/Nov/21
find all subgroup of (Z_7 ,+)
$$\mathrm{find}\:\mathrm{all}\:\mathrm{subgroup}\:\mathrm{of}\:\left(\mathrm{Z}_{\mathrm{7}} ,+\right)\: \\ $$
Commented by mkam last updated on 06/Nov/21
since Z_7  is a prime group then the sup group  is a non trivial group z_7  and {0}  (M.T)
$${since}\:{Z}_{\mathrm{7}} \:{is}\:{a}\:{prime}\:{group}\:{then}\:{the}\:{sup}\:{group} \\ $$$${is}\:{a}\:{non}\:{trivial}\:{group}\:{z}_{\mathrm{7}} \:{and}\:\left\{\mathrm{0}\right\} \\ $$$$\left({M}.{T}\right) \\ $$

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