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Question Number 54369 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 02/Feb/19
find lim_(x→1)  (ξ(x)−(1/(x−1)))
$${find}\:{lim}_{{x}\rightarrow\mathrm{1}} \:\left(\xi\left({x}\right)−\frac{\mathrm{1}}{{x}−\mathrm{1}}\right) \\ $$
Commented by last updated on 03/Feb/19
what is ξ(x)...
$${what}\:{is}\:\xi\left({x}\right)… \\ $$
Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 03/Feb/19
ξ(x)=Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (1/n^x )  with x>1 .
$$\xi\left({x}\right)=\sum_{{n}=\mathrm{1}} ^{\infty} \:\frac{\mathrm{1}}{{n}^{{x}} }\:\:{with}\:{x}>\mathrm{1}\:. \\ $$

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