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Question Number 32349 by abdo imad last updated on 23/Mar/18
find the value of  ∫_0 ^π    ((xdx)/(1+sinx)) .
Commented by abdo imad last updated on 24/Mar/18
the ch.tan((x/2))=t give  I =∫_0 ^π   ((xdx)/(1+sinx)) =∫_0 ^∞   ((2artant)/(1+((2t)/(1+t^2 )))) ((2dt)/(1+t^2 ))  =4 ∫_0 ^∞    ((arctant)/(1+t^2  +2t))dt =4 ∫_0 ^∞    ((arctant)/((t+1)^2 ))dt ′by parts we get  I =4(  [−(1/(t+1)) arctant]_o ^(+∞)  −∫_0 ^∞ −(1/(t+1)) (dt/(1+t^2 )))  I =4 ∫_0 ^∞    (dt/((t+1)(t^2  +1)))  let decompose  f(t) = (1/((t+1)(t^2  +1))) =(a/(t+1)) +((bt +c)/(t^2  +1))   a=lim_(t→−1) (t+1)f(t) =(1/2)  lim_(t→+∞) tf(t) =0 =a +b ⇒b=−a=−(1/2) ⇒  f(t) = (1/(2(t+1))) +((((−1)/2)t +c)/(t^2  +1))  f(0) =1 = (1/2) +c ⇒ c=(1/2) ⇒f(t)= (1/(2(t+1))) +(1/2) ((−t +1)/(t^2  +1))  I = 2∫_0 ^∞ (  (1/(t+1)) −((t−1)/(t^2 +1)))dt  =2∫_0 ^∞ ( (1/(t+1)) −(1/2) ((2t)/(t^2  +1)))dt +2 ∫_0 ^∞   (dt/(t^2  +1))  I = 2 [ln∣t+1∣−ln(√(t^2  +1)) ]_0 ^∞   +π  I = 2 [ln∣ ((t+1)/( (√(t^2 +1))))∣]_0 ^∞  +π =0+π ⇒ I =π .

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