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Question Number 96617 by mathocean1 last updated on 03/Jun/20
Given matrix A [((a     c)),((b     d)) ]and B ((x),(y_ ) ).  Determinate A×B and B×A.
$${Given}\:{matrix}\:{A}\begin{bmatrix}{{a}\:\:\:\:\:{c}}\\{{b}\:\:\:\:\:{d}}\end{bmatrix}{and}\:{B}\begin{pmatrix}{{x}}\\{{y}_{} }\end{pmatrix}. \\ $$$${Determinate}\:{A}×{B}\:{and}\:{B}×{A}. \\ $$
Commented by bobhans last updated on 03/Jun/20
B×A undefine
$$\mathrm{B}×\mathrm{A}\:\mathrm{undefine} \\ $$
Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 03/Jun/20
 [(a,b),(c,d) ] [(x),(y) ]= [((ax+by)),((cx+dy)) ]
$$\begin{bmatrix}{{a}}&{{b}}\\{{c}}&{{d}}\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}{{x}}\\{{y}}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}{{ax}+{by}}\\{{cx}+{dy}}\end{bmatrix} \\ $$

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