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Question Number 124400 by mr W last updated on 03/Dec/20
How many six-digit numbers contain  exactly three different digits?
Answered by benjo_mathlover last updated on 03/Dec/20
XXXWYZ = 9×C_( 3) ^( 9)  × ((6!)/(3!))  =9×((9×8×7)/(3×2×1)) ×6×5×4=90720   where X≠ 0
Commented by benjo_mathlover last updated on 03/Dec/20
what wrong sir?   in part XXXYYZ ?
Answered by mr W last updated on 03/Dec/20
to select three digits there are   C_3 ^(10) =120 ways.  say the three digits are x,y,z.  to form a 6 digit number with these  three digits we have  case 1: 4x+y+z  ⇒3×((6!)/(4!))=90  case 2: 3x+2y+z  ⇒3×2×((6!)/(3!2!))=360  case 3: 2x+2y+2z  ⇒((6!)/(2!2!2!))=90  ⇒120×(90+360+90)=64800    but in these numbers some begin  with zero:  0xxxxy ⇒2×((5!)/(4!))=10  0xxxyy ⇒2×((5!)/(3!2!))=20  0xxxy0 ⇒2×((5!)/(3!))=40  0xxyy0 ⇒((5!)/(2!2!))=30  0xxy00 ⇒2×((5!)/(2!2!))=60  0xy000 ⇒((5!)/(3!))=20  to select the two digits x and y  there are C_2 ^9 =36 ways.  ⇒36×(10+20+40+30+60+20)=6480    total valid 6 digit numbers:  64800−6480=58320
Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Dec/20
there is also a formula:  (9/(10))×C_m ^(10) ×m!×{_m ^n }  with n=6 and m=3:  (9/(10))×C_3 ^(10) ×3!×{_3 ^6 }=(9/(10))×120×6×90  =58320

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