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Question Number 157374 by john_santu last updated on 22/Oct/21
  I see there are idiot comments on this forum.  a comment that tells someone not to answer a member's question.  this is a provocateur.  what's the point of telling people not to answer questions posted by members.  If the one who ordered it doesn't want to answer, then do it.  no need to tell people to follow you.
$$ \\ $$I see there are idiot comments on this forum. a comment that tells someone not to answer a member's question. this is a provocateur. what's the point of telling people not to answer questions posted by members. If the one who ordered it doesn't want to answer, then do it. no need to tell people to follow you.
Commented by JDamian last updated on 22/Oct/21
"this is a provocateur" I always called "troll". Don't feed trolls.
Commented by john_santu last updated on 22/Oct/21
you look provocateur.  i call it latteung
$${you}\:{look}\:{provocateur}. \\ $$$${i}\:{call}\:{it}\:{latteung} \\ $$
Commented by cortano last updated on 22/Oct/21
haha..i'm sure this jdamian is Lubitong's friend

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