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Question Number 46549 by Rio Michael last updated on 28/Oct/18
is there any other maths forum apart from this?
$${is}\:{there}\:{any}\:{other}\:{maths}\:{forum}\:{apart}\:{from}\:{this}? \\ $$
Commented by math khazana by abdo last updated on 28/Oct/18
there is alots of maths forum but i am sur that  that this platform is the best.thanks to sir tinkutara...
$${there}\:{is}\:{alots}\:{of}\:{maths}\:{forum}\:{but}\:{i}\:{am}\:{sur}\:{that} \\ $$$${that}\:{this}\:{platform}\:{is}\:{the}\:{best}.{thanks}\:{to}\:{sir}\:{tinkutara}… \\ $$
Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 28/Oct/18
yeah thanks to him
$${yeah}\:{thanks}\:{to}\:{him} \\ $$
Commented by Necxx last updated on 29/Oct/18
this forum is just so great and  wonderful that i dont think   searching for another is  necessary.
$${this}\:{forum}\:{is}\:{just}\:{so}\:{great}\:{and} \\ $$$${wonderful}\:{that}\:{i}\:{dont}\:{think}\: \\ $$$${searching}\:{for}\:{another}\:{is} \\ $$$${necessary}. \\ $$$$ \\ $$

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