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Question Number 106508 by Learner-123 last updated on 05/Aug/20
Commented by JDamian last updated on 05/Aug/20
The 5 A current flows through the 30 Ohm resistor. Then the voltage at P is the sum of the voltage at that resistor (5×30=150) and the 5V from the DC voltage source.
Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 05/Aug/20
Could someone help me in finding  V_(TH)  ? ( I didn′t understand the sol^n !)
Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 05/Aug/20
sorry,it was a typo...  what if I do V_(th) =20×5=100V then  why it′s wrong?
Commented by JDamian last updated on 05/Aug/20
Where do you get that 200 from?  The current from the voltage source is  forced by the current source (5A).  Do you know what a current source is?
Commented by JDamian last updated on 05/Aug/20
Because: 1st) it is incomplete. V_(th)  is the  sum of the voltage of the resistor and the  voltage of the current source. 2nd)  those 100V you mention are actually   −100V.
Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 05/Aug/20
thank you sir!☺️

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