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Question Number 121802 by prakash jain last updated on 11/Nov/20
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 11/Nov/20
ajfour sir, i cannot find the original  question but i got x∉R.  Please check. I will also recheck.  Thanks.
Commented by ajfour last updated on 11/Nov/20
  I dont know what to say, Prakash Sir,  understanding that  the question  is faulty, i deleted it.  Your method suggests me to amend  the question this way...  Consider only E above ground,  such that the pink, yellow, blue,  and green areas are triangular  faces of a tent, while △BCF  along ground, and if each of  these areas are equal, find  (x_E  , y_E  , z_E  ) taking A(0,0,0)  and +x along AD,  +y along AB.  +z vertically upwards through A.
Answered by Olaf last updated on 11/Nov/20
All colored regions have equal  area ((AB×AD)/5) = (a/5)  If A(0,0) is the origin, E(x,y) and F(z,0) :  −pink area = (1/2)(1×x) = (a/5)  ⇒ x = (2/5)a  −blue area = (1/2)(a×(1−y)) = (a/5)  ⇒ y = (3/5)  −yellow area = (1/2)(z×x) = (a/5)  ⇒ z = 1  −brown area = (1/2)((a−1)×1) = (a/5)  ⇒ a = (5/3)  AB/AD = a = (5/3)
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 12/Nov/20
E=(x,y)  Please check.  Yellow area =(1/2)z×y?  (1/2)z×(3/5)=(a/5)⇒z=((2a)/3)  brown area (1/2)×(1−((2a)/3))=(a/6)≠(a/5)

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