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Question Number 127542 by Study last updated on 30/Dec/20
Commented by Study last updated on 30/Dec/20
help me
$${help}\:{me} \\ $$
Commented by Study last updated on 30/Dec/20
why u not ans me???
$${why}\:{u}\:{not}\:{ans}\:{me}??? \\ $$
Commented by MathSh last updated on 30/Dec/20
(b) (1/x)
$$\left({b}\right)\:\frac{\mathrm{1}}{{x}} \\ $$
Commented by Study last updated on 31/Dec/20
what is the practice?? i need your   practice sir teacher
$${what}\:{is}\:{the}\:{practice}??\:{i}\:{need}\:{your}\: \\ $$$${practice}\:{sir}\:{teacher} \\ $$

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