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Question Number 127708 by ajfour last updated on 01/Jan/21
Commented by ajfour last updated on 01/Jan/21
A ball is dropped from a tall  tower, height h, at the equator.  Find how far from the foot of  the building, does the ball land.
Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jan/21
Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jan/21
the ball moves in horizontal direction  with the same velocity as the top  of the tower which is larger than  the speed of the foot of the tower.  BC=AA′>BB′.  that means the balls falls on ground  in front of the foot of the tower,  not behind it.
Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jan/21
u=(R+h)ω  h=(1/2)gt^2   t=(√((2h)/g))  BC=AA′=ut=(R+h)ω(√((2h)/g))  BB′=Rω(√((2h)/g))  s=BC−BB′=hω(√((2h)/g))  example:  ω=((2π)/(24×60×60))  h=100 m  s=100×((2π)/(24×60×60))×(√((2×100)/(10)))  ≈0.0325 m=32.5 mm
Commented by ajfour last updated on 01/Jan/21
thanks Sir, I too got an answer  close to yours!
Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jan/21
Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jan/21
in my consideration above the   influence of the negative acceleration  in horizontal direction g_x  is not  taken into account (the dotted line  in following diagram). when this is  considered we′ll get the correct  formula  s=(2/3)hω(√((2h)/g))
Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jan/21
Commented by ajfour last updated on 01/Jan/21
Commented by ajfour last updated on 01/Jan/21
mVr=mu(R+h)  V=((u(R+h))/r)  (dx/dt)=((u(R+h))/((R+h)−((gt^2 )/2)))  ∫dx=−((2u(R+h))/g)∫_0 ^( T) (dt/(t^2 −((2(R+h))/g)))  s=((2u(R+h))/g)×((√g)/(2(√(2(R+h)))))ln ∣(((√((2(R+h))/g))+t)/( (√((2(R+h))/g))−t))∣_0 ^T   s=u(√((R+h)/(2g)))ln (1+((2T)/λ))    ≈u(√((R+h)/(2g)))(2(√((2h)/g)))(√(g/(2(R+h))))    ≈ ω(R+h)(√((2h)/g))    =(((2π)/(1day)))(R+h)(√((2h)/g))    s_(tower) =(√((2h)/g))(((2π)/(1day)))R  △=(((2π)/(86400)))h(√((2h)/g))   for  h=100m  △≈((π((√5)))/(216))×100cm =3.25cm .
Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jan/21
your result Δ=ωh(√((2h)/g)) is the same  as what i did at the begining. but it  is not correct, because the acceleration  g is always toward the center of the  earth and has therefore a component  in x−direction. this component g_x   reduces the horizontal velocity and  therefore the horizontal   displacement. the correct answer is  Δ=(2/3)ωh(√((2h)/g)).

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