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Question Number 24628 by ajfour last updated on 23/Nov/17
Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Nov/17
m_1  hits m_2  elastically, then  m_2  hits m_3 . So that  m_3  acquires  maximum velocity find m_2  if  m_1  and m_3  be given.   (m_2  and m_3  were at rest initially)
$${m}_{\mathrm{1}} \:{hits}\:{m}_{\mathrm{2}} \:{elastically},\:{then} \\ $$$${m}_{\mathrm{2}} \:{hits}\:{m}_{\mathrm{3}} .\:{So}\:{that}\:\:{m}_{\mathrm{3}} \:{acquires} \\ $$$${maximum}\:{velocity}\:{find}\:{m}_{\mathrm{2}} \:{if} \\ $$$${m}_{\mathrm{1}} \:{and}\:{m}_{\mathrm{3}} \:{be}\:{given}.\: \\ $$$$\left({m}_{\mathrm{2}} \:{and}\:{m}_{\mathrm{3}} \:{were}\:{at}\:{rest}\:{initially}\right) \\ $$

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