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Question Number 28411 by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/18
Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/18
The smaller sphere touches the  paraboloid only at inner bottommost,  point. Find the smallest value  of R in terms of r, if the larger  sphere touches the smaller sphere  and also the walls of the   paraboloid.
Answered by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/18
let eq. of parabola in the plane be  be   y=Ax^2 .  eq of circle with radius r:  x^2 +(y−r)^2 =r^2     since smaller circle touches  parabola at vertex only the origin  is to satisfy simultaneously the  eq. of smaller circle and sphere  and for R to be least we are to  have all four roots real  namely  x=0. Hrnce  x^2 +(Ax^2 −r)^2 =r^2   ⇒  A^2 x^4 +(1−2Ar)x^2 =0  ⇒  x^2 (A^2 x^2 +1−2Ar)=0  ⇒    A=(1/(2r))  Eq. of bigger circle:  x^2 +(y−2r−R)^2 =R^2   eq. of tangent to this circle  x_1 (x−x_1 )+(y_1 −2r−R)(y−y_1 )=0  tangent to parabola  ((y+y_1 )/2)=((xx_1 )/(2r)) ⇒ xx_1 −r(y+y_1 )=0  for both tangents to be same then  comparing coefficient of y :   2r+R−y_1 =r    ...(i)  ⇒ y_1 =r+R   As (x_1 , y_1 ) is on parabola, so  y_1 =(x_1 ^2 /(2r))    ⇒  x_1 ^2 =2r(r+R)  since  x_1 ^2 +(y_1 −2r−R)^2 =R^2   2r(R+r)+r^2 =R^2   ⇒  R^( 2) −2rR−3r^2 =0          (R−r)^2 =4r^2          or   R=3r  .
Commented by mrW2 last updated on 25/Jan/18
I think there is following relation:  the first circle r_1 =(1/(2A))=r  the second circle r_2 (=R)=(3/(2A))=3r  the third circle r_3 =(5/(2A))=5r  ....  the n−th circle r_n =((2n−1)/(2A))=(2n−1)r
Commented by ajfour last updated on 26/Jan/18
i had suspected so. Thanks Sir.
Answered by mrW2 last updated on 25/Jan/18
let the eqn. of parabola be  y=ax^2     eqn. of circle r:  x^2 +(y−r)^2 =r^2     x^2 +(ax^2 −r)^2 =r^2   a^2 x^4 −(2ar−1)x^2 =0  x^2 [a^2 x^2 −(2ar−1)]=0  x=0  x^2 =((2ar−1)/a^2 )  so that the circle touches the parabola  only at one point x=0,  ⇒2ar−1≤0  ⇒2ar≤1    eqn. of circle R:  x^2 +(y−2r−R)^2 =R^2     x^2 +(ax^2 −2r−R)^2 =R^2   a^2 x^4 −[2a(2r+R)−1]x^2 +4r(r+R)=0  Δ=[2a(2r+R)−1]^2 −16a^2 r(r+R)=0  4a^2 (2r+R)^2 −4a(2r+R)+1−16a^2 r^2 −16a^2 rR=0  16a^2 r^2 +4a^2 R^2 +16a^2 rR−8ar−4aR+1−16a^2 r^2 −16a^2 rR=0  4(aR)^2 −4(aR)−(8ar−1)=0    aR=((4+(√(4^2 +4×4(8ar−1))))/(2×4))=((1+(√(8ar)))/2)  R=((1+(√(8ar)))/(2ar))×r=((1+(√4))/1)r=3r
Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/18
Thanks for confirming, Sir!

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