Question Number 29314 by Tinkutara last updated on 07/Feb/18
Commented by mrW2 last updated on 08/Feb/18
$${thanks}\:{sir}! \\ $$
Commented by ajfour last updated on 08/Feb/18
$${F}=−{kv}−{mg} \\ $$$${at}\:{the}\:{start}\:{v}=\mathrm{0} \\ $$$${so}\:\:\:\:{F}=−{mg}\:={ma} \\ $$$$\:\:\:{a}=−{g} \\ $$$$\:\:\mid{a}\mid\:=\mathrm{10}\:{m}/{s}^{\mathrm{2}} \:. \\ $$
Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 08/Feb/18
Can't we do this by equation of curve and differentiating it? Also it is not given in question that take viscous effect of air into account.