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Question Number 33216 by Tinkutara last updated on 13/Apr/18
Answered by $@ty@m last updated on 13/Apr/18
1+2017=2018  −2+(−2016)=−2018  ......................  ......................  1005+2013=2018  1006−1012=−6  1007−1011=−4  −1008+1010=2  1009−2018=−1009  −−−−−−−−−−  =1001
$$\mathrm{1}+\mathrm{2017}=\mathrm{2018} \\ $$$$−\mathrm{2}+\left(−\mathrm{2016}\right)=−\mathrm{2018} \\ $$$$…………………. \\ $$$$…………………. \\ $$$$\mathrm{1005}+\mathrm{2013}=\mathrm{2018} \\ $$$$\mathrm{1006}−\mathrm{1012}=−\mathrm{6} \\ $$$$\mathrm{1007}−\mathrm{1011}=−\mathrm{4} \\ $$$$−\mathrm{1008}+\mathrm{1010}=\mathrm{2} \\ $$$$\mathrm{1009}−\mathrm{2018}=−\mathrm{1009} \\ $$$$−−−−−−−−−− \\ $$$$=\mathrm{1001} \\ $$
Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 13/Apr/18
Thank you very much Sir! I got the answer. ��������

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