Question Number 37045 by ajfour last updated on 08/Jun/18
Commented by ajfour last updated on 08/Jun/18
![Find electric field at a distance r_⊥ from a line charge of uniform charge density, net charge q.](
Answered by ajfour last updated on 08/Jun/18
![E=∫dEcos θ =∫((λdycos θ)/(4πε_0 r^2 )) r=r_⊥ sec θ y=r_⊥ tan θ ⇒ dy=r_⊥ sec^2 θdθ E=((q/l)/(4πε_0 ))∫_(−α) ^( α) ((r_⊥ sec^2 θdθ cos θ)/(r_⊥ ^2 sec^2 θ)) = ((q/l)/(4πε_0 r_⊥ ))(2sin α) =((q/l)/(4πε_0 r_⊥ ))×((2×l/2)/r_(end) ) E = (q/(4πε_0 r_⊥ r_(end) )) .](
Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 08/Jun/18
Thank you very much Sir! I got the answer. ��������