Question Number 45498 by Sanjarbek last updated on 13/Oct/18

Commented by Meritguide1234 last updated on 13/Oct/18

Commented by MJS last updated on 13/Oct/18

Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 13/Oct/18

Answered by MJS last updated on 14/Oct/18
![∫ln sin x dx=∫ln (−(i/2)(e^(ix) −e^(−ix) )) dx= [t=ix → dx=−idt =−i∫ln (−(i/2)(e^t −e^(−t) )) dt= =−i∫ln (−(i/2)) dt−i∫ln (e^t −e^(−t) ) dt the first one is easy: −i∫ln (−(i/2)) dt=−i ln (−(i/2)) ∫dt=−i ln (−(i/2)) t= =ln (−(i/2)) x the second one: −i∫ln (e^t −e^(−t) ) dt= [((∫f′g=fg−∫fg′)),((f′=1 → f=t)),((g=ln (e^t −e^(−t) ) → g′=((e^t +e^(−t) )/(e^t −e^(−t) )))) ] =−itln (e^t −e^(−t) ) +i∫t((e^t +e^(−t) )/(e^t −e^(−t) ))dt the first term: −itln (e^t −e^(−t) )=xln (e^(ix) −e^(−ix) ) the second term: i∫t((e^t +e^(−t) )/(e^t −e^(−t) ))dt=i∫t((e^(2t) +1)/(e^(2t) −1))dt= [u=e^(2t) −1 → dt=(e^(−2t) /2)du] =(i/4)∫(((u+2)ln (u+1))/(u(u+1)))du= =(i/2)∫((ln (u+1))/u)du+(i/4)∫((ln (u+1))/(u+1))du the first one: (i/2)∫((ln (u+1))/u)du= [v=−u → du=−dv] =(i/2)∫((ln (1−v))/v)dv=−(i/2)∫−((ln (1−v))/v)dv= this is a special integral (dilogarithm) =−(i/2)Li_2 v=−(i/2)Li_2 (−u)=−(i/2)Li_2 (1−e^(2t) )= =−(i/2)Li_2 (1−e^(2ix) ) the second one: (i/4)∫((ln (u+1))/(u+1))du= [w=ln (u+1) → du=(u+1)dw] =(i/4)∫wdw=(i/8)w^2 =(i/8)ln^2 (u+1)=(i/8)ln^2 (e^(2t) )= =(i/2)t^2 =−(i/2)x^2 so we have ∫ln sin x dx= =xln (−(i/2)) +xln (e^(ix) −e^(−ix) ) −(i/2)Li_2 (1−e^(2ix) ) −(i/2)x^2 +C please check...](