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Question Number 51812 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 30/Dec/18
Commented by peter frank last updated on 30/Dec/18
the same to  you sir
$${the}\:{same}\:{to}\:\:{you}\:{sir} \\ $$
Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 30/Dec/18
wish you happy new year to all persons actifs in this plateform...good luck  to all ...
$${wish}\:{you}\:{happy}\:{new}\:{year}\:{to}\:{all}\:{persons}\:{actifs}\:{in}\:{this}\:{plateform}…{good}\:{luck} \\ $$$${to}\:{all}\:… \\ $$
Commented by hassentimol last updated on 30/Dec/18
Happy New Year to everyone.  I hope you′ll all enjoy this year 2019 !!!
$${Happy}\:{New}\:{Year}\:{to}\:{everyone}. \\ $$$${I}\:{hope}\:{you}'{ll}\:{all}\:{enjoy}\:{this}\:{year}\:\mathrm{2019}\:!!! \\ $$
Commented by ajfour last updated on 31/Dec/18
Very Sweet! design, color n blessings , Sir.  Deed is everything, Glory nothing.
$${Very}\:{S}\mathrm{weet}!\:{design},\:{color}\:{n}\:{blessings}\:,\:{Sir}. \\ $$$${Deed}\:{is}\:{everything},\:{Glory}\:{nothing}. \\ $$

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